Friday, December 9, 2011

I am thankful for healthy bodies

Here is a recap of the week so far...

Everyone was finally feeling better and getting over the colds we had over thanksgiving. Rich spent all day studying for finals.

Claire woke up at 4am very unhappy, I went in to check on her and there was puke EVERYWHERE. Poor girl. Sick again! After a good warm bath and some medicine she joined me and rich in bed until morning.

Claire is tough and was pretty good all morning, by afternoon she was VERY upset. I then noticed she had 2 new teeth that had just popped out on bottom! Wow, good timing.

Rich took his first final in Law school and felt pretty good about it! Now only 2 more to go.

After cleaning up claire's room and some not so fun trips to the bathroom on my part, the day was over.

We had a nice relaxing day and lunch with rich in the middle of his studying for finals. I made us a delicious chicken gnocchi soup for dinner and when Rich got home he was not feeling very good. Ohh NO!

Soon Rich was puking and having a horrible evening. I got claire to bed and then we went to bed early. By midnight it started for me too. We spent all night taking turns in the bathroom and no sleep. We couldn't keep anything down. (i wish i hadn't eaten that soup)

By morning we were wore out and I was having REALLY bad cramps. Im pretty sure I was starting contractions. After a call to my doctor we were sent to labor and delivery to get pumped full of fluids and some nausea medicine. Claire spent the day with a friend. (Im so grateful for her)

Rich was so nice to take care of me and after hours at the hospital and a nap we went home, got claire to bed by 6 (amazing and so needed that night) and we were in bed by 7. We all slept soundly ALL night. :)

Today Rich was scheduled to take his second final! I am so thankful that his teacher let him reschedule it. We still had no appetite but no more throwing up. We spent the day chasing claire and naps when we could get them.

Now 2 finals left, hopefully rich can get in a few more hours of studying and rock the tests.

Hopefully we will stop picking up every bug around. We are ready to be healthy again! No matter how wore out we are claire can still make us smile. Just look at this face.

She also read us a book. So cute. I can't believe she will be 1 tomorrow.

Hopefully next week will be a better one!

1 comment:

Shanna Butler said...

I'm sorry you guys were so sick :( I hope you feel better soon. Clair is too cute to be so sick. Her cake was awesome