Thursday, August 4, 2011

HAPPY B-DAY and more....

Yesterday was Rich's birthday, we celebrated it on saturday. We went on our first date without claire! It was so much fun. We went flying! It was a lot of fun. We flew to salem had dinner and then flew back home. Rich even flew the plane. He did great! Happy birthday Rich!

We are finally getting everything set up in our apartment and it feels great! It feels more like home every day. Here is one of our visitors we had in our backyard today! This deer hung out for hours, they are all over our neighborhood. Kinda fun.

In the last two weeks claire has learned to wave. Its been so much fun, she is so cute and waves at strangers in stores, at the pool and wherever we go. She also started playing peek-a-boo with me and rich the other day. So cute!

Claire has also been REALLY messy, I just thought I would share a couple pictures. It is so much fun to watch her grow up! She is getting so big so fast! I love being a mom!


t said...

OH I LOVE THAT MESSY FACE!! We miss u guys!!

Susan said...

Happy BIrthday Richard! What a great birthday. Sounds like so much fun. So glad that you are getting settled in, we miss you. That little Claire is stinking cute, such a pretty messy girl. Also, your beach pictures in your jackets are much different than ours. LOL!