Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just another crazy week with the Butler clan...

 It was just another crazy, fun and exhausting week. Lots has been going on.

Rich has still been working at his externship. He is really enjoying it and learning TONS! This week he was able to go to court and watch a pretty big case.

I started and finished my first project for work since Scott was born. It was a quick turn around and I finished in 3 days while taking care of the crazy kids. It made for lots of sleepless nights but I finished and was excited to find out that my boss loved it! Thankfully my mom was able to watch the kids for a couple hours thursday so I could make up for some much needed sleep!

Claire has been learning new words every day. It is so fun to watch her try to communicate. She sure does gets frustrated but she is learning so fast. Her new favorite word is "WOW". She is 18 months old now and doesn't like nursery at all! A total surprise to me and rich. We expected her to LOVE it. last sunday was her 3rd sunday and she cries as soon as we get into the room! Hopefully she will do better this week.

Scott is such a smily baby. As soon as you start talking to him he will smile and coo. It is so much fun! I love watching him grow and change. Scott sure gets picked on by claire but she is learning and he is starting to smile when she talks to him. He is kind of a gassy baby but he is getting better.

This weeks weather was crazy. Really hot one day and raining the next but we have been enjoying it.

 Claire and I jumped on the tramp in the rain! 

While scott played inside with daddy...

We went on walks with my awesome double stroller. I love this thing. Best birthday/mothers day gift ever! 

I finally figured out an eye patch that scott will keep on! Yay! No more ripping eye patches off and making him cry. 

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