Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All kinds of stuff

Claire is 3 months old! Ican't believe how fast time has flown by. She is getting so big! Here are a few things about her:

* Claire is over 14 pounds now! crazy. I can't believe how fast she is growing.
* Claire laughed for the first time on saturday. It was the cutest thing I have ever herd.
* She is in size 2 diapers now and has her days where she EXPLODES a lot.
* She was sleeping pretty good until this week. Last night she was up most of the night.
* We think she is teething and she has been super grumpy and not sleeping very well and drooling all over everything.
* Claire loves to eat really often.
* Claire loves her hands and is chewing on her thumb, she hasn't wanted her pacifier as much.

Rich spends a lot of time on the computer lately looking up things about law schools.

* Claire loves her baths! we give her one every night before bed now and she loves it.

* Claire has figured out how to roll over from her belly to her back. Some days she rolls over 10 times and other days I put her on her stomach and she screams till I pick her up.

* She loves the mirror, being walked around and looking at everything.

I have been having a lot of fun lately crocheting. I started to make stuffed animals and have made a dragon, lion and monster and teddy bear. Its a lot of fun and a great thing to do while nursing. (the monster still needs arms made)

I actually went in for a job interview a couple weeks ago and got a job at Star Moose Creative. I will be one of their graphic designers and am really excited because i am going to be able to work from home part time, and be able to keep the job when we move to law school. I am still waiting to hear from them for my first project.

The law school application cycle is starting to wind down for us. With 6 offers, 2 wait lists, and 3 pending. We are starting to forget about those left pending and where we are on the wait list.
Lately we are mainly looking at two schools. University of Idaho which we are planning on visiting March 26th and University of Oregon. I go back and forth several times a day, just not sure where I want to move for the next three years.


suzanne said...

Those animals are sooo cute. You should teach all of us to do them at the reunion or make some for all of the grandkids. How long does it take to make one animal?

Susan said...

those animals are super cute! I think that baby Claire should keep eating lots, she is super cute! I can't wait to see her in real life this summer.

Rich and Jess said...

Thanks. The animals are actually really easy. they only use a single crochet and a increase and decrease so its really easy to learn and follow a pattern. They don't take too long. Just a couple days and that is crocheting just when i am nursing. The more pieces the longer they take, So the dragon took longer because of all the parts but the monster took a couple hours. We are so excited to see everyone this summer!

Chase and Amy said...

Congrats on the new job! I work from home part-time too for a web design company, and it is awesome, I love being able to stay home with Finn. Claire is so stinkin cute! What an adorable smile. :)

Also, props to you for being able to crochet while nursing! Finn only lets me have one hand free most of the time, haha.