Monday, February 20, 2012


Its been a busy week already and its only monday. I figured i would sit down and take a quick break before I get to work for the night. Here are a bunch of photos of cute claire.

We love her "cheesy" smile.
And her "guilty, im up to something" smile...
She is getting so big and grown up...

And climbing on everything! Ohh no.....

We love cuddles with daddy....
Claire is getting so fast! She loves going to the park and running everywhere.. I love letting her get out some energy.
She loves taking care of her dolls.
As for the week. Hopefully Rich will be able to finish everything for school that he needs to and we can get packed and moved.

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

All Smiles and 30 weeks!

How can you not smile at this adorable face? Claire has started this cheesy smile and it is so cute. Look at all those teeth. She got another one this week! I can't believe how fast this little girl is growing up. 14 months old and perfect.

Last week A friend in our ward asked me to make a cake for her. She had a party where everyone found out if they were having a boy or a girl. During the ultrasound the doctor wrote down what they were having on a piece of paper put it in a envelope and didn't tell them what it was. She then brought it to me and I made a cake with the inside telling what their baby is. At the party they cut the cake and found out... Its a girl! Yay. This was really fun. I had fun making lots of layers on this cake and filling it with fresh strawberries. YUM.

As for our baby boy... we are 30 weeks and growing. This little boy is strong. Growing right on schedule and already loves playing with his daddy. The next 10 weeks will go fast, we have applied at 2 apartments and are waiting to hear back. Hopefully we will have that all figured out soon and settled into a new place.